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How do you know people behave the way they do? How do you know the people you recruit will fit in your organization or the job they have been hired for? 

Hogan’s assessments provide insights into these questions.

Peoples’ core motives and values affect every sphere of their lives, from what they find rewarding to how they make decisions. Understanding your employees’ core values is key to creating an engaged and motivated workforce.

How successful one’s career depends not only on education, experience, and technical skill. It depends on personality as well. According to Hogan, bright-side or normal personality characteristics predict success in careers, relationships, education, and life.

What happens when people stop self-monitoring or come under stress? Their strengths can turn into their weaknesses. If these dark-side personality characteristics go unrecognized, they can derail careers.

Hogan’s comprehensive approach to personality assessment provides the depth and detail needed to hire the right employees, identify and develop talented individuals, and build better leaders. 

How can we help you know people?

Hogan’s products provide an objective lens for understanding people. Our product portfolio addresses every important talent management initiative. From prehire selection to executive development, we have a solution to maximize performance across organizations.


